Early picture of the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, very challenging with a lot of clouds on December 21, 2020 from Gaithersburg, MD
Jupiter and its Galilean moon on December 29, 2020:
Leo Triplet B group of galaxies from April, 2020. Some novel processing with satellite trail substitution (Adam Block's selective rejection process).
Messier 87 has a massive black hole in the center, and this black hole is ejecting a visible stream of matter, the "relativistic jet". Hydrogen Alpha only photo from December 21 and 25, 2019, and January 1, 2020.
Comet 46p Wirtanen from February, 2019, reprocessed with the StarNet AI star removal process in Pixinsight, along with PixelMath
Venus November 7, 2020
Mars November 7, 2020
Mars at opposition
Sun and Prominence on September 19, 2020
Saturn on November 7, 2020
Saturn and Jupiter through the haze of West Coast fires